The secret of good teaching is to regard the child’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination.
— Maria Montessori

Call or Email to Arrange and Private Tour

- See Our Beautiful Classrooms/Outdoor Space
- Meet Our Teachers and Staff
- Learn About Montessori 


We look forward to meeting you.

RiverRun offers an authentic Montessori education for ages 3 through 6th grade.

An Authentic Montessori Education

RiverRun Montessori is a member of the American Montessori Society (AMS). 

RiverRun is committed to the AMS Pathway of Continuous School Improvement, which ensures the highest quality Montessori program for our students and families.

As an AMS Member School, we have achieved the Verified School Pathway. Achieving Verified School Pathway provides parents with the assurance that the school implements an authentic Montessori program, which includes:

AMS is an elite accreditation which supports the traditional Montessori method as an innovative, child-centered approach to education. It leads, empowers, and serves the Montessori community and its educators by providing research, teacher education, collaboration and member engagement. 

About RiverRun

RiverRun Montessori offers an extraordinary individualized education with a strong focus on community values for preschool children through Grade 6. Founded in 2008, we serve families from the Capital District of New York State.

RiverRun’s staff, personalized instruction and location continue to be strengths best suited to educate students in a peaceful environment.

RiverRun strives to be an affordable, community-based school for the residents of the Capital District that provides quality education using the holistic Montessori method of child-directed, hands-on learning experiences within a multi-age environment.

Learn more about RiverRun Community Montessori.

In the following short film, a parent shares their passion for Montessori.

To learn more about our programs and how a Montessori education can benefit your child, call (518) 937-9338 or email to schedule a private tour.

On October 13, RiverRun students took part in the 20th annual Day in the Life of the Hudson and Harbor. WNYT was there to report on the event.

A Day in the Life of the Hudon River

Join Us at RiverRun!

RiverRun Montessori is now offering private tours of our school. Contact us to visit our Morris Road classrooms and to learn about Montessori education.

Accepting applications now for 2024-25.

We look forward to welcoming all new students.

Contact us to learn more:

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News From a Graduate

We are grateful to RiverRun Montessori and their fabulous teaching staff for the excellent education, guidance and love our son, Noah, received. 

From a 4-year-old pre-schooler to the end of 6th grade, Noah thrived in his Montessori classrooms.  His transition into public school for 7th grade was smooth in spite of the larger school size, changing classrooms, homework, standardized tests and all that goes with public school.  Montessori prepared him to be an independent learner with strong problem solving skills.  The grace and courtesy he learned at RiverRun went a long way towards his developing strong bonds with his new classmates and the affection of his teachers. 

Though not a stand-out student at RiverRun, he received almost all A’s from grades 7-12, finishing with a strong GPA.  He has excelled in athletics and has been accepted onto the LeMoyne College men’s lacrosse team after his spring 2021 high school graduation.  He plans to study bio-engineering at LeMoyne. 

Thank you, Maureen, Amy and all the RiverRun staff, for giving Noah such a strong start in life.

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What Our Former Students Are Up To…

Emily, a student from RiverRun’s opening class back in 2008, came back to school as a Guest Science Instructor in early January. Emily is now a college student studying biochemistry at the University of Tampa in Florida. She volunteered her time to work with the Upper Elementary Class for three science mini-lessons while she was back in the area for her winter break. The students explored the chemistry concepts of elements and the periodic table, acids v. bases, and compounds with a variety of hands-on activities. Thank you, Emily, for giving back to our community!

Shout Out to a Former RiverRun Montessori Student!

Student steps in, takes charge of Schenectady High's literary magazine

See what former students of RiverRun Montessori are doing out in the community.

Read the story in The Daily Gazette.

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Our Location

We recently finished our third year at our new location, 210 Morris Road in Colonie. The move to Morris Road brought new opportunities to RiverRun, including more nature programming (in partnership with the Albany Pine Bush Discovery Center), our own kitchen, and open classrooms filled with natural light.

Contact us for a tour:
(518) 937-9338